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Ahearne Cycles


Time Lapse Video: Front Triangle Braze

News, Process, VideoJoseph Ahearne4 Comments

Mr. Goodman's Bicycle Tubes

I spent Sunday in the shop and decided to make another time lapse video. I'm working on Dave's bike, which is going to be a lugged commuter-style machine, with some cool features. This time lapse is of the front triangle being mitered and brazed, and then drilled for water bottle mounts, which I braze in right at the end. I hope you enjoy.

Dave's Bicycle Front Triangle Braze from Joseph Ahearne on Vimeo.

Here's a video of mitering and brazing the front triangle of Dave G.'s bicycle frame. Also shows three sets of water bottle bosses drilled and brazed in.



A Typical Afternoon in the Shop with Mitch

News, Process, VideoJoseph Ahearne1 Comment

Here's the newest time-lapse video in the shop. This is what a day in the shop kind of looks like -- cutting, filing, sanding, brazing, etc. Here's what I first wrote about the video:

This is what a very typical day in the shop looks like for Mitch of MAP Bicycles and myself. He is working on some front racks, and I'm working on a fork and racks. It's really good to be able to talk through ideas with someone else, and I think we do a pretty good job of helping each other figure things out. We both have our stylistic differences, obviously, but there are often several ways to approach a problem, and to get insight into it, I think, makes each of us a little bit better at what we do. I've come to value that shared insight.

This is true in so many ways. Frame building can be, in many ways, a very isolated and isolating existence. Having another person there to bounce ideas off of, and just to talk with, is good sometimes. There are plenty of days in the shop when few words are spoken, but just the simple act of sharing lunch usually breaks up the day and brings a little peace to the head-space.

I hope you enjoy the video.

A typical afternoon in the shop with Mitch. from Joseph Ahearne on Vimeo.



Frame Building Class Video

News, VideoJoseph Ahearne2 Comments

Here it is -- the long awaited (or not really all that long awaited) video of the frame building class at UBI. The class was from 31 January to 11 February, and each student (8 of them) built their very own bicycle frame. This is a time lapse video that covers day 5 through day 10 of the class in about 8 minutes.

The camera shows seven of the eight work benches, and there are no breaks delineating the passage of days. It starts on day five and moves through the final day, and then myself and several students leave the school and ride our bikes down the road to my workshop for a brief tour (which is at the very end when the camera view goes dark). 

I think it's interesting seeing the progression of the bike frames as they come together. Everybody looks so busy! They did, in fact, work very hard, and each one of them has a bike frame to show for it. Enjoy the video!

Frame Building Class Feb. '11 from Joseph Ahearne on Vimeo.

This video shows day five through day ten of the UBI frame building class I taught from 31 Jan. to 11 Feb. There were eight students in the class, but the camera could only take in seven of the benches (sorry Daniel!).
There are no breaks in the video as one day moves into the next, so you just have to pay attention to what people are wearing -- if you see someone jump into a different outfit, then a new day has started.
I could have edited out more of the times where no one is working, but I feel like those give you a chance to take in the benches and the progress as the bicycle frames come together.
I've found it helpful to focus on one person's workbench for a few seconds at a time to watch their progress, because the whole view of everyone working can be very "busy."
I hope you enjoy it!
Music by Audion