time lapse — Stories — Ahearne Cycles

Ahearne Cycles

time lapse

Time Lapse Video: Front Triangle Braze

News, Process, VideoJoseph Ahearne4 Comments

Mr. Goodman's Bicycle Tubes

I spent Sunday in the shop and decided to make another time lapse video. I'm working on Dave's bike, which is going to be a lugged commuter-style machine, with some cool features. This time lapse is of the front triangle being mitered and brazed, and then drilled for water bottle mounts, which I braze in right at the end. I hope you enjoy.

Dave's Bicycle Front Triangle Braze from Joseph Ahearne on Vimeo.

Here's a video of mitering and brazing the front triangle of Dave G.'s bicycle frame. Also shows three sets of water bottle bosses drilled and brazed in.